Getting Started

The best way to introduce unburden-home-dir in your setup is the following:

If everything works fine, enable unburden-home-dir permanently, either per user or globally for all users. See below.

Enabling unburden-home-dir Globally

If you want to enable unburden-home-dir for all users of a machine.on an Xsession based login, edit /etc/default/unburden-home-dir and either uncomment or add a line that looks like this:


This will also set $XDG_CACHE_HOME to a subdirectory of unburden-home-dir’s target directory.

But please be aware that if you do that on a machine with NFS homes, you should do that on all (Unix) machines which have those NFS homes mounted.

Enabling unburden-home-dir Per User

For installations where each user should be able to decide on his own if unburden-home-dir should be run on X session start, add a line saying


to either ~/.unburden-home-dir or ~/.config/unburden-home-dir/config (create the file if it doesn’t exist yet) which are sourced by the Xsession startup script in the same way as /etc/default/unburden-home-dir (while beingq configuration files for unburden-home-dir itself at the same time, too).